Investigation on degradation mechanism of polymer blockages in unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs
Zhang Dong1  Dong Wenting1  Qiu Yue1  Wang Keliang1 
[1] Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery (Northeast Petroleum University), Ministry of Education, Daqing, Heilongjiang, 163318, China;
关键词: polymer;    blockage;    degradation mechanism;    unconsolidated sand;    eor;   
DOI  :  10.1515/epoly-2020-0006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Polymer flooding technology has shown satisfactorily acceptable performance in improving oil recovery from unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs. The adsorption of the polymer in the pore leads to the increase of injection pressure and the decrease of suction index, which affects the effect of polymer flooding. In this article, the water and oil content of polymer blockages, which are taken from Bohai Oilfield, are measured by weighing method. In addition, the synchronous thermal analyzer and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) are used to evaluate the composition and functional groups of the blockage, respectively. Then the core flooding experiments are also utilized to assess the effect of polymer plugs on reservoir properties and optimize the best degradant formulation. The results of this investigation show that the polymer adsorption in core after polymer flooding is 0.0068 g, which results in a permeability damage rate of 74.8%. The degradation ability of the agent consisting of 1% oxidizer SA-HB and 10% HCl is the best, the viscosity of the system decreases from 501.7 to 468.5 mPa‧s.

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