Nova Economia
Um regime único de aposentadoria no Brasil: pontos para reflexão
关键词: retirement base;    unified system;    retirement base and ceiling;    level of coverage;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the first section, this article discusses the concept of base retirement, its difference in relation to secured minimum income and to the World Bank's proposal, and complementary retirement, which is associated with base retirement. In the second section, in keeping with the previous discussion, it relates the concept of base retirement to Brazilian reality, showing the difficulties of its implementation, as well as the lowering of the retirement ceiling and the adoption of a unified system. This article also associates the low level of coverage to Brazil's Latin American-style work market and the omission of the State in terms of regulation and control of social relations, and it suggests new ways to augment coverage.

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