Bulletin of Educational Research
社會建構教育學之在地實踐:自我覺察督導模式應用於大學層級諮商實習課程 Social Construction Pedagogical Practice in Taiwan: An Application of Self-awareness Supervision Model to Counseling and Guidance Practicum Course at Undergraduate Level
姜兆眉 Chao-Mei Chiang1  繆妮晏Ni-Yen Miao2  蘇盈儀 Ying-Yi Su3 
[1](Corresponding Author) Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University
[2]Counseling Psychologist, Hsin Tien Psychological Counseling Clinic
[3]Guidance Counselor & Director of Counseling Services, Taoyuan Municipal Shou- Shan Senior High School
关键词: 反思對話;    在地知識;    自我覺察督導模式;    社會建構教育學;    諮商員教育;    reflection and dialogue;    local knowledge;    self-awareness supervision model;    social construction pedagogy;    counselor education;   
DOI  :  10.3966/102887082020126604002
来源: DOAJ
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