An Overview of the Utilisation of Brewery By-Products as Generated by British Craft Breweries
Clare Kerby1  Frank Vriesekoop1 
[1] Department of Food Science and AgriFood Supply Chain Management, Harper Adams University, Newport TF10 8NB, UK;
关键词: spent grain;    spent hops;    hot trub;    spent yeast;    HACCP;    disposal;    urban;    rural;   
DOI  :  10.3390/beverages3020024
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

There is a wide range of information available on by-product disposal methods used by large national breweries. However, little information is available on the methods of by-product disposal used by craft breweries. An investigation was carried out in which 200+ British craft brewers were contacted, of which 90 craft brewers provided basic information about their brewery operations and by-product disposal. Representatives of eleven breweries were interviewed to provide an in-depth case study of their by-product disposal methods. The research found that urban craft brewers use a wider range of disposal methods compared to rural craft brewers; urban brewers dispose of more waste through sewage and landfill, as well as using external companies, such as bio-recycling and anaerobic digester plants, whereas rural brewers have relationships with farmers who dispose of the by-products in various ways. Craft brewers tend to have a direct relationship with the by-product users. Even though they do not have all disposal options available to them which the large industrial breweries have, due to their small scale of by-product production, craft brewers appear to find alternative means of sustainability.

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