Ammonia Mono Hydrate IV: An Attempted Structure Solution
Bernhard Massani1  Andreas Hermann1  John S. Loveday1  Ciprian G. Pruteanu1  Lewis J. Conway1  Victor N. Robinson1 
[1] SUPA, Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3FD, UK;
关键词: ammonia hydrate;    high pressure;    neutron diffraction;    density functional theory;   
DOI  :  10.3390/cryst12020135
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The mixed homonuclear and heteronuclear hydrogen bonds in ammonia hydrates have been of interest for several decades. In this manuscript, a neutron powder diffraction study is presented to investigate the structure of ammonia monohydrate IV at 170 K at an elevated pressure of 3–5 GPa. The most plausible structure that accounts for all features in the experimental pattern was found in the P21/c space group and has the lattice parameters a=5.487(3) Å, b=19.068(4) Å, c=5.989(3) Å, and β=99.537(16) deg. While the data quality limits discussion to a proton-ordered structure, the structure presented here sheds light on an important part of the ammonia–water phase diagram.

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