Direct Syntheses of Diphenylmethanol Derivatives from Substituted Benzenes and CHCl3 through Friedel‐Crafts Alkylation and Post‐Synthetic Hydrolysis or Alcoholysis Catalyzed by Alumina
Hui Wang1  Wenyan Dong1  Prof. Dr. Mixia Hu1  Dr. Fengying Liang1  Guga Suri1  Prof. Ren Bu1  Prof. Dr. Chaolu Eerdun1  Prof. Meiling Wang1  Xiaoying Zhang1  Prof. Dr. Akihiko Tsuda1 
[1]Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Inner Mongolia Medical University Jinshan Economic & Technology Development District Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010110 P. R. China
关键词: alumina;    chloroform;    diphenylmethanol derivatives;    hydrolysis;    synthetic methods;   
DOI  :  10.1002/open.202200042
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract The present study reports an innovative finding that alumina containing water or primary alcohol catalyzes the hydrolysis or alcoholysis, respectively, of the product formed through AlCl3‐mediated Friedel‐Crafts alkylation of methyl‐substituted benzenes and CHCl3. The former and later reactions mainly provided hydroxy‐ and alkoxy‐substituted diarylmethanes, respectively, while the reference reactions without alumina provided bisarylchloromethane. This method enables the selective syntheses of diphenylmethanol derivatives with very simple procedures, without expensive reagents and apparatuses. Furthermore, the alumina used in the reaction could be recycled by washing with water and subsequent drying. From the viewpoint of material recycling, this function is very important for the development of sustainable chemical reactions.
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