Tehnički Vjesnik | |
Maturity Model for Service Engineering | |
Clemens Fischer*1  Magdalena Brunnhofer1  | |
[1] FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Science, Werk-VI-Straße 46, 8605 Kapfenberg, AUSTRIA; | |
关键词: management; maturity model; product-service bundle; service engineering; service innovation; strategy; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Nowadays, the mere sale of physical products is often no longer sufficient for the long-term success of companies. Actually, the combination of physical products with services as a product-service bundle should be offered. Based on this initial situation, this article provides an analysis model for the plant manufacturer industry with a special focus on the maturity level of services. The analysis model shows both, the existent level of service maturity in a company and the steps, which are required to the next higher level of maturity in this model. After the theoretical conception of the model, it is validated practically through a questionnaire and a service maturity portfolio. The outcome shows, on the one hand the content suitability of the maturity model and on the other, it provides initial conclusions concerning the present service degree of maturity in companies.
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