Methanol to Formaldehyde: An Overview of Surface Studies and Performance of an Iron Molybdate Catalyst
Muhammad Irfan Malik1  Nicolas Abatzoglou1  Inès Esma Achouri1 
[1] Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC J1K 2R1, Canada;
关键词: iron molybdate;    molybdenum oxide;    methanol conversion;    formaldehyde production;    mixed oxides;   
DOI  :  10.3390/catal11080893
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Formaldehyde is a primary chemical in the manufacturing of various consumer products. It is synthesized via partial oxidation of methanol using a mixed oxide iron molybdate catalyst (Fe2(MoO4)3–MoO3). This is one of the standard energy-efficient processes. The mixed oxide iron molybdate catalyst is an attractive commercial catalyst for converting methanol to formaldehyde. However, a detailed phase analysis of each oxide phase and a complete understanding of the catalyst formulation and deactivation studies is required. It is crucial to correctly formulate each oxide phase and influence the synthesis methods precisely. A better tradeoff between support and catalyst and oxygen revival on the catalyst surface is vital to enhance the catalyst’s selectivity, stability, and lifetime. This review presents recent advances on iron molybdate’s catalytic behaviour for formaldehyde production—a deep recognition of the catalyst and its critical role in the processes are highlighted. Finally, the conclusion and prospects are presented at the end.

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