Numerical Model of Heat Pipes as an Optimization Method of Heat Exchangers
Szymon Szufa1  Łukasz Adrian1  Piotr Piersa1  Filip Mikołajczyk1 
[1]Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Wolczanska 213, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
关键词: heat pipe;    heat transfer;    heat exchanger;    phase change;    evaporation;    condensation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en14227647
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper presents research results on heat pipe numerical models as optimization of heat pipe heat exchangers for intensification of heat exchange processes and the creation of heat exchangers with high efficiency while reducing their dimensions. This work and results will allow for the extension of their application in passive and low-energy construction. New findings will provide a broader understanding of how heat pipes work and discover their potential to intensify heat transfer processes, heat recovery and the development of low-energy building engineering. The need to conduct research and analyses on the subject of this study is conditioned by the need to save primary energy in both construction engineering and industry. The need to save primary energy and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants has been imposed on the EU Member States through multiple directives and regulations. The presented numerical model of the heat pipe and the results of computer simulations are identical to the experimental results for all tested heat pipe geometries, the presented working factors and their best degrees of filling.
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