Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology. A : Applied Sciences and Engineering | |
关键词: Architectural design; Sustainability; Sustainable design; Building envelope; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Today, the conservation of energy and respect for the natural environment appears to be the most important phenomena in all areas. In this regard, "sustainability" concept emerged and the architectural platform "Sustainable Architecture" is composed of a research subject to the new and permanent. Architecture underlying the "design" as including also the new concept of "sustainable architectural design" has revealed that field. Sustainable architecture "building in-house", "building envelope" and "physical environment" as shown in three different areas of development. Each consisting of three fields that directly affect andconcern. Sustainable architectural design within the scope of this study, "Building Envelope" developments will be discussed. In this context, building envelope, "the new building design" and "existingstructures" as appeared in two different ways. Existing structures, building envelope, sustainable architectural design in the literature in terms of "renovation" is considered within the scope. In terms of energy efficiency and performance (as Energy Performance of Buildings [BEP]) with the energy policies of the various measures are being taken to reduce the energy consumption of the new building design. Not been received, but no measures in existing buildings (apartment buildings until 2012, except for heat insulation Remodeling obligation), energy consumption has remained constant. Therefore, the energy consumption of buildings on a sectoral basis is changing in the range 36-25% share of the portion of (Anonim 2011), but can not be reduced. In addition, operating costs of existing buildings and to reduce reliance on energy-environment systems (except for collectors) used is noteworthy. In this study the appropriate design of sustainable architecture, renewable energy systems can be integrated into the shell structure will be investigated. In this context, a renovation project of the Department of Architecture at Anadolu University, developed an alternative, an energy simulation program (Design Builder), modeled and interpreted in the energy loss-gain values.
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