The Journal of Engineering
Method of multichannel calibration for unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance radar
Hui Shang1  Ming Yang1  Yanan Hou1  Cheng Jin1 
[1]School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
关键词: array signal processing;    calibration;    radar antennas;    remotely operated vehicles;    linear antenna arrays;    search radar;    phased array radar;    external calibration;    internal calibration;    antenna array;    multichannel calibration;    unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance radar;    unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance digital array radar;    beam pattern;    invalid digital beam formation;    in-the-field calibration method;    practical calibration method;   
DOI  :  10.1049/joe.2019.0651
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Amplitude and phase errors among the different channels including antenna and receiver of the unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance digital array radar will deteriorate the beam pattern and cause the invalid digital beam formation, and then severely affect the performance of radar. Based on in-the-field calibration method, this study presents a practical calibration method that combines the external and internal calibration together. Experiments are designed for an X-band linear antenna array with 16 unit cells, whose period is about half wavelength, and the measured results show that the proposed algorithm is an attractive way to calibrate the digital array radar efficiently.
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