Watery Entanglements in the Cypriot Hinterland
Louise Steel1 
[1] Faculty of Humanities and Performing Arts, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter SA48 7ED, Ceredigion, Wales, UK;
关键词: Cyprus;    Bronze Age;    water;    materiality;    new materialisms;    entanglements;    assemblages;    networks;    central place theory;   
DOI  :  10.3390/land7030104
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper examines how water shaped people’s interaction with the landscape in Cyprus during the Bronze Age. The theoretical approach is drawn from the new materialisms, effectively a ‘turn to matter’, which emphasises the very materiality of the world and challenges the privileged position of human agents over the rest of the environment. The paper specifically moves away from more traditional approaches to landscape archaeology, such as central place theory and more recently network theory, which serve to separate and distance people from the physical world they live in, and indeed are a part of; instead, it focuses on an approach that embeds humans, and the social/material worlds they create, as part of the environment, exploring human interactions within the landscape as assemblages, or entanglements of matter. It specifically emphasises the materiality and agency of water and how this shaped people’s engagement with, and movement through, their landscape. The aim is to encourage archaeologists to engage with the materiality of things, to better understand how people and other matter co-create the material (including social) world.

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