Baltijskij Region
Differenciacija dohodov zhitelej regionov Latvii v period 2000—2008 gg. [The income differentiation among the residents of Latvia in 2000—2008]
关键词: income;    dynamics;    differentiation;    regions;    Latvia;   
DOI  :  10.5922/2074-9848-2011-2-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper provides an analysis of income differentiation among the residents of Latvian regions in order to assess the government’s economic policies aimed at the development of a socially inclusive market economy in the country. The paper describes the dynamics of changes in the income of population of Latvian regions over nine years (2000—2008). The authors put forward a hypothesis that the changes in the state social and economic policy tend to influence the level and dynamics of income of Latvia’s population.

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