Stiinta Agricola
Utilizarea imunomodulatorului şi aditivului nutriţional în hrana stimulatoare a albinelor în perioada de primăvară
Olga COLELEVA1  Ivan CATARAGA1  Larisa CAISÎN1  Nicolae EREMIA1 
[1] Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova;
关键词: bee colonies;    stimulating feed;    immunomodulator;    nutritional additive;    morpho-productive indices;   
DOI  :  10.5281/zenodo.5083156
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper presents the results of the study on the use of the peat-based immunomodulator and the nutritional additive “Stimulcom” for stimulating feeding of bees in the spring. It was found that feeding bees sugar syrup with immunomodulator in doses of 2-6 ml/l stimulates a 0,5-21,51% increase of bee colony power, 1,73-33,02%increase in the number of capped brood and 0.69 -29.9% increase of honey production against the control group. The optimal dose of the immunomodulator is 2 ml/l of sugar syrup, and its use is recommended from the first days of April to the beginning of the main honey flow, one liter per colony once every 6 days. The application of the elaborated procedure ensures the increase of productivity of bee colonies by 29.9%. The use of the nutri-tional additive “Stimulcom” in feeding bees in the spring until the beginning of black locust honey flow ensures an increase in productivity by 4.13%.

【 授权许可】


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