Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry
Characterisation of Cements From Dominantly Volcanic Raw Materials of the Carpathian Bend Zone
Halmagy Timea1  Spataru Maria1  Fazekas József2  Mosony Emilia2  Goga Firuta2 
[1]S.C. Valdek IMPEX SRL, Sfantu Gheorghe Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, Bl. 15, Sc. E, Et. 3, Ap. 9., Judetul Covasna, Romania
[2]“Babes-Bolyai” University, Kogalniceanu Str. 1, 400082 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
关键词: experimental cement;    Varghis limestone;    Racosul de Sus volcanic tuff;    setting time;    mechanical properties;   
DOI  :  10.1515/hjic-2016-0017
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper presents the results of laboratory investigations regarding the production of cements from local raw materials, such as limestone from Varghis, gypsum from Nucsoara, basaltic scoria from Racosul de Jos, volcanic tuff from Racosul de Sus, diatomite from Filia, and red mud from Oradea. The raw mixtures, based on modified Bogue calculations, contain limestone, gypsum, and one or two of the above-mentioned materials. The cements resulted from clinker grinding in a laboratory gas furnace at 1260-1300 °C, with one hour at the peak temperatures, and were characterised for Blaine specific surface area, specific density, and mineral phases. Physico-mechanical properties, such as water content for normal consistency, setting time, soundness, and compressive strength were also determined. Results show that these cements contain belite, ferrite, calcium sulphoaluminate, anhydrite, and some minor compounds.
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