L’enjeu de la prévention primaire lors des projets de changement : quelle place pour le CHSCT ? Quels apports de « l’expertise » ?
关键词: staff representatives;    health and safety;    ergonomic intervention;    organization;   
DOI  :  10.4000/activites.2959
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper aims to highlight the importance of developing the capacity of Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committees (“CHSCT” in France) to act for a better integration of primary prevention in the context of change projects. After identifying certain obstacles regularly encountered by these Committees during the mandatory consultation process when implementing a change, our objective is to demonstrate how external expertise can help to develop the empowerment of staff representatives within the Committees. This argumentation is based on a case study of a “resizing” project in a bank. The results suggest a failure to take full account of the future work likely to be required in the design of projects and the importance for the HSCT Committee to adopt a preventive stance. This analysis helps identify possible solutions for taking better account of primary prevention in projects. It also aims to examine how ergonomics can help develop the power to act of HSCT Committees.

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