Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal
Housing in China: State Governance, Market and Public Perception
Wang Fan1  Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh2 
[1]Ambow Education, Beijing, China
[2]University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
关键词: China;    house prices;    real estate market;    government policies;    citizens’ perceptions;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Chinese house prices have been receiving huge coverage in both the domestic and the international media. Although the Chinese government has implemented many policies to control house prices, especially in the big cities, it is obvious that there is disequilibrium between demand for and supply of houses. Even though numerous housing policies have been put in place to overcome that, house prices in China are still rising. Many Chinese citizens from the low- and middle-incomes group find it difficult to purchase a house in the cities due to high house prices. This paper covers the current situation of the house prices in China, introduces the existing state of affairs about the Chinese housing market, explores a series of important reasons for high house prices, examines various public policies the Chinese government is using to control real estate, as well as reveals the citizens’ perceptions related to rising house prices. To gauge citizens’ perception of the current state of affairs in this regard, a questionnaire survey was conducted to gather information with a final sample of 256 respondents from more than ten cities of different tiers in the different regions of China.
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