Heliyon | |
Diminution of real power loss by novel Galápagos Penguin Algorithm | |
Lenin Kanagasabai1  | |
[1] Corresponding author.; | |
关键词: Electrical engineering; Energy; Industrial engineering; Computer-Aided engineering; Optimal reactive power; Transmission loss; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
In this work Galápagos Penguin Algorithm (GPA) has been applied to solve optimal reactive power problem. Galápagos penguins’ foraging activities are modeled to solve the problem. As a team Galápagos Penguin feed on food and by intra-group communication it communicates each other. Once a Galápagos penguin finds a superior food source then it will act as new-fangled local guide in which Foraging of the team is an autocatalytic procedure. To dive in-depth Galápagos Penguin takes up extra energy to find about the information of food. Until the oxygen get exhausted Galápagos Penguin execute the recurring dives, subsequently it will move around to another group in search of food. Galápagos penguin modernizes its group membership based on food availability degree of different groups. In standard IEEE 14, 30, 57,118,300 bus systems Proposed Galápagos Penguin Algorithm (GPA) is evaluated and simulation results show the GPA reduced the power loss efficiently.
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