Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Form Testing Metrology in Production Environment
Stephan Stuerwald1  Robert Schmitt1 
[1] Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology;
关键词: Algorithm;    Surface Inspection;    Quality Assurance;    Form Measurement;    Interferometry;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Form testing interferometry permits a fast, non-tactile and full- field quantitative phase imaging of components in ultra precise manufacturing. To reduce the influence of vibrations under manufacturing conditions, it is most common to use the FT- based spatial carrier phase measurement technique (SCPM) which requires only a single interferogram recording. The utilization of a generalized, relatively new spatial phase-shifting method operating in the position space opens up prospects for reduced phase noise and less reconstruction errors of the calculated phase-map under production conditions. Therefore this phase-shifting technique is investigated for applicability in machine integrated interferometric form testing of optical lenses. A characterization of the algorithm and a comparison with the commonly used FT-based algorithm is performed. As a reference, measurements are carried out with a coordinate measuring machine with nanometre accuracy.

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