Ultrasonic Processing of Aluminum–Magnesium Alloys
Matthew Dargusch1  Gui Wang1  Kurt Mills1  David StJohn1 
[1] Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC), The University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia;
关键词: ultrasonic treatment;    aluminum;    magnesium;    alloy;    grain refinement;    solute;    nucleation;    microstructure;    solidification;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ma11101994
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This study evaluated the effect of UltraSonic Treatment (UST) on a range of Al–Mg alloys. Previous research was carried out on single magnesium compositions. However, the amount and type of the alloy addition are known to affect the grain size even under UST, and the aim of this study was to determine whether or not alloy composition plays a similar role in the case of Al–Mg alloys. By testing binary Al–Mg alloys cast under regular casting conditions and under the presence of an ultrasonic field, it was found that while the addition of Mg solute is important, the amount of solute has little effect when UST is applied. It was observed that the grain size was barely affected by extra solute additions in this condition. This is due to the application of UST during solidification, which resulted in a dramatic reduction in the size of the nucleation free zone thus promoting many more successful nucleation events. Acoustic streaming is proposed as the main cause of this reduction in grain size.

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