Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Importance de la norme linguistique dans l’autonarration des étudiants en philologie romane
Maciej Smuk1  Jolanta Sujecka-Zając1 
[1] Université de Varsovie;
关键词: linguistic norm;    auto-narration;    learning a foreign language;    correction;   
DOI  :  10.14746/strop.2019.462.007
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this article is to analyse the attitude towards the linguistic norm of the first-year students of RomancePhilologyinWarsawthroughtheauto-narration.Bythistool,belongingtothequalitativemethodology, the learner performs a retrospective introspection and thus ‘evaluates’ the learning, in our context – his learning of grammar. The stories of students-future philologists will be analysed according tothefollowingaspects:theimportancegiventothelinguisticnorm(understoodhereastheneedforgrammaticalcorrection),theperceptionofits‘utility’inrelationtoothercompetencesandlanguagesubsystems, the relationship between awareness of the norm and the effectiveness / quality of communi-cation in a foreign language.

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