RUDN Journal of Medicine
Modern tendencies of reproductive process and the organization of service of obstetric aid in republics of the North Caucasus
Z A Badoeva1  I A Djioeva1  S Z Salbieva1  M T Gogichaeva1  Z I Yachyaeva2 
[1] Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия;Чеченский государственный университет;
关键词: родовспоможение;    рождаемость;    младенческая смертность;    перинатальные потери;    тенденции;    проблемы;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The main feature of reproductive processes in republics of the North Caucasus is the increasing of birth rate. However adverse dynamics of perinatal losses does not allow to estimate unequivocally change, as positive. Despite of some positive tendencies, it is necessary to optimize the maternity obstetric service by creation of perinatal centers in each republic and improvement of quality of medical aid to the female population.

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