IET Communications
Minimum achievable rate maximised resource allocation for relay‐assisted massive MIMO systems with SWIPT
Wenfeng Sun1  Mujun Qian1  Yan Chen1  Chen Liu1  Shu Xu1 
[1] School of Electronic and Optical Engineering Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing China;
关键词: Optimisation techniques;    Radio links and equipment;    Energy harvesting;    Energy harvesting;    Telecommunication systems (energy utilisation);   
DOI  :  10.1049/cmu2.12255
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract This paper considers a relay‐assisted massive multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) downlink system in which a base station (BS) communicates with all terminals via a relay node enabled simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT). Both time‐switching (TS) and energy‐splitting (PS) protocols are respectively considered at the relay node for coordinating energy harvesting and information decoding. The quality‐of‐service (QoS) fairness problem among terminals is investigated in the considered systems. In detail, the power allocation coefficients and energy harvesting time duration for TS based SWIPT, and the power allocation coefficients and PS ratio for PS based SWIPT are jointly optimised, aiming at seeking to maximise the minimum achievable rate over all terminals. As the formulated problems are non‐convex and non‐linear, and hard to solve directly, suboptimal heuristic algorithms are proposed for solving them. Additionally, the convergence and complexity of the proposed algorithms are also analysed. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated by extensive computer simulations. Results manifest that the proposed algorithms can provide uniformly great QoS for every terminal by resource allocation.

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