Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
Role of exponentially decaying/growing time-dependent pressure gradient on unsteady Dean flow: a Riemann-sum approximation approach
Basant K. Jha1  Dauda Gambo1 
[1] Department of Mathematics, Ahmadu Bello University;
关键词: annulus;     flow;    exponential pressure gradient;   
DOI  :  10.1080/25765299.2020.1861754
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Our study probes the impact of an exponentially decaying/growing time-dependent pressure gradient on unsteady Dean flow in a curved concentric cylinder. A two-step method of solution has been employed in the treatment of the governing momentum equation. Accordingly, the exact solution of the time-dependent partial differential equation is derived in terms of the Laplace variable. The Laplace domain solution is then transformed to the time domain using a numerical inversing scheme known as Riemann-sum approximation. The effect of the various dimensionless parameters involved in the problem on the Dean velocity, skin drags and Dean vortex are illustrated graphically. It was established that maximum Dean velocity is due to an exponentially growing time-dependent pressure gradient. However, the instability of the Dean vortex is rendered less effective by reducing time and applying an exponentially decaying time-dependent pressure gradient.

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