Morphine disinhibits glutamatergic input to VTA dopamine neurons and promotes dopamine neuron excitation
Dongyang Cui1  Lan Ma1  Jiaojiao Song1  Hualan Yang1  Yi Dong1  Ping Zheng1  Wenjie Luan1  Ming Chen1  Yanfang Zhao1  Bin Lai1 
[1] State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science, School of Basic Medical Sciences and Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan Univeristy, Shanghai, China;
关键词: dopamine neuron;    GABA neuron;    GABAB receptor;    glutamate release;    morphine;    ventral tegmental area;   
DOI  :  10.7554/eLife.09275
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

One reported mechanism for morphine activation of dopamine (DA) neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) is the disinhibition model of VTA-DA neurons. Morphine inhibits GABA inhibitory neurons, which shifts the balance between inhibitory and excitatory input to VTA-DA neurons in favor of excitation and then leads to VTA-DA neuron excitation. However, it is not known whether morphine has an additional strengthening effect on excitatory input. Our results suggest that glutamatergic input to VTA-DA neurons is inhibited by GABAergic interneurons via GABAB receptors and that morphine promotes presynaptic glutamate release by removing this inhibition. We also studied the contribution of the morphine-induced disinhibitory effect on the presynaptic glutamate release to the overall excitatory effect of morphine on VTA-DA neurons and related behavior. Our results suggest that the disinhibitory action of morphine on presynaptic glutamate release might be the main mechanism for morphine-induced increase in VTA-DA neuron firing and related behaviors.

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