Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Seeing Suffering
Jeffrey Flynn1 
[1] Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Fordham University, New York;
关键词: atrocities;    biafra;    humanitarianism;    human rights;    photography;    suffering;    visual culture;   
DOI  :  10.7227/JHA.075
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This review essay focuses on two books, Heide Fehrenbach and Davide Rodogno’s Humanitarian Photography: A History (2015) and Lasse Heerten’s The Biafran War and Postcolonial Humanitarianism: Spectacles of Suffering (2017). It situates the books in relation to broader debates about similarities and differences between humanitarianism and human rights practice, with a particular focus on the visual cultures of and ethical debates surrounding representations of suffering.

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