Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences
Vom Geheimhaltungsgrundsatz zur Transparenz: Kulturwandel in der Bundesverwaltung
Eveline Huegli1  Marius Féraud1 
[1] Büro Vatter, Politikforschung & -beratung, Gerberngasse 27, 3011 Bern, Schweiz;
关键词: Transparency;    Authorities;    Evaluation;   
DOI  :  10.5334/ssas.81
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The Federal Act on Freedom of Information in the Administration (FoIA) came into effect on July 1. 2006. It created an enforceable right for every individual to gain access to official documents on request, whereas until then a principle of secrecy applied to the activities of the administration. On behalf of the Federal Office of Justice in 2014 we have conducted an evaluation of the implementation of the FoIA in the federal administration. If and how the intended change of culture in the federal administration has already been accomplished is being discussed in this article.

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