Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
Parametric simulation and experimental analysis of earth air heat exchanger with solar air heating duct
M.S. Soni1  Sanjeev Jakhar1  Nikhil Gakkhar1  Rohit Misra2 
[1] Center for Renewable Energy and Environment Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BITS-Pilani, Rajasthan, India;Mechanical Engineering Department, Government Engineering College, Ajmer, India;
关键词: Earth air heat exchanger;    Solar air heating duct;    Parametric analysis;    Air flow velocity;    TRNSYS;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jestch.2016.01.009
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Earth air heat exchanger (EAHE) systems are insufficient to meet the thermal comfort requirements in winter conditions. The low heating potential of such systems can be improved by integrating the system with solar air heating duct (SAHD). The aim of this paper is to present a model to estimate the heating potential for EAHE system with and without SAHD. The model is generated using TRNSYS 17 simulation tool and validated against experimental investigation on an experimental set-up in Ajmer, India. The experiment was done during the winter season, where the system was evaluated for different inlet flow velocities, length and depth of buried pipe. From the experimentation, it was observed that the depth of 3.7 m is sufficient for pipe burial and the 34 m length of pipe is sufficient to get optimum EAHE outlet temperature. It is also observed that increase in flow velocity results in drop in EAHE outlet temperature, while room temperature is found to increase for higher velocities (5 m/s). The COP of the system also increased up to 6.304 when assisted with solar air heating duct. The results obtained from the experiment data are in good agreement with simulated results within the variation of up to 7.9%.

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