Results in Physics
Rest mass of photon on the surface of matter
Ramesh Naidu Annavarapu1  Mahendra Goray2 
[1] Corresponding author.;Department of Physics, School of Physical, Chemical and Applied Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry 605 014, India;
关键词: Illusive mass;    Morphing;    Photon rest-mass;    Space-time curvature;    Wavelength dependence;    Wave-particle duality;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The behavior of a photon is strange. It possesses both wave nature and particle nature. Some experiments show both behaviors of photons can exist simultaneously, while some other experiment state that both properties do not co-exists simultaneously. According to electromagnetic theory, the rest mass of photon in free space is zero and also photon has non-zero rest mass, as well as wavelength-dependent. The very recent experiment revealed its non-zero value as 10-54kg(5.610×10-25MeVc-2). Even experimental results concluded that within matter (dispersive) the photon shows its imaginary rest mass. We have no exact answer as to why photon incarnates itself with versatile mass. Here we try to theoretically investigate about the rest mass of a photon. When it touches the surface of matter, it makes illusion and mathematically the rest mass is a complex number. Rest mass of photon depends upon scalar curvature of the surface of matter and wavelength of the photon. Photon itself reveals illusion posing with mass because of its dual nature. We have investigated the wave-particle duality of light, coexistence of wave and particle nature through morphing due to pliable character of light wave. Our theoretical work about the photon’s illusive mass will have to be experimentally verified and it might open plausible new applications in the secure communication of information.

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