International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Hyaluronic Acid Combined with Serum Rich in Growth Factors in Corneal Epithelial Defects
Marta Vicario1  Arantza Urkaregi2  Vanesa Freire3  Raquel Hernáez-Moya3  Maddalen Rodriguez-Astigarraga3  María-Celia Morales3  Carlota Suárez-Barrio3  Jaime Etxebarria3  Marina del Val-Alonso3  Rocío Herrero-Vanrell4  Irene Molina4  Noelia Andollo4  JuanAntonio Durán5 
[1] D Department, Instituto Clínico-Quirúrgico de Oftalmología, 48006 Bilbao, Spain;Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Operational Research, BioCruces Health Research Institute, 48940 Leioa, Spain;Department of Cell Biology and Histology, School of Medicine and Nursing, University of the Basque Country, BioCruces Health Research Institute, Begiker, 48940 Leioa, Spain;Pharmaceutical Innovation in Ophthalmology (InnOftal) UCM Research Group 920415. Department of Pharmaceutics and Food Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain;;R &
关键词: corneal epithelial defect;    cornea regeneration;    serum eye drops;    plasma rich plasma (PRP);    serum derived from plasma rich in growth factors (s-PRGF);    hyaluronic acid (NaHA);    wound healing;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms20071655
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this study is to assess if an adhesive biopolymer, sodium hyaluronate (NaHA), has synergistic effects with s-PRGF (a serum derived from plasma rich in growth factors and a blood derivative that has already shown efficacy in corneal epithelial wound healing), to reduce time of healing or posology. In vitro proliferation and migration studies, both in human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells and in rabbit primary corneal epithelial (RPCE) cultures, were carried out. In addition, we performed studies of corneal wound healing in vivo in rabbits treated with s-PRGF, NaHA, or the combination of both. We performed immunohistochemistry techniques (CK3, CK15, Ki67, ß4 integrin, ZO-1, α-SMA) in rabbit corneas 7 and 30 days after a surgically induced epithelial defect. In vitro results show that the combination of NaHA and s-PRGF offers the worst proliferation rates in both HCE and RPCE cells. Addition of NaHA to s-PRGF diminishes the re-epithelializing capability of s-PRGF. In vivo, all treatments, given twice a day, showed equivalent efficacy in corneal epithelial healing. We conclude that the combined use of s-PRGF and HaNA as an adhesive biopolymer does not improve the efficacy of s-PRGF alone in the wound healing of corneal epithelial defects.

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