Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
3D Printed Individualized Frontal Neo-Ostium Implant in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery – a Proof of Concept Study
Weber Constantin1  Wei Chunjiang2  Lenarz Thomas2  Matin Farnaz2  Gao Ziwen3  Scheper Verena3  John Samuel4 
[1]Cluster of Excellence”Hearing4all” EXC 1077/1, Oldenburg/Hannover, German Research Foundation,Bonn, Germany
[2]Department of Otolaryngology Hannover Medical School,Hannover, Germany
[3]Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg Str.1, 30625Hannover, Germany
[4]HörSys,Hannover, Germany
关键词: 3d printing;    endoscopic sinus surgery;    individualized neo-ostium implants;    uv-silicone;    individualized therapy;    personalized medicine;    drug eluting device;    implantability;   
DOI  :  10.1515/cdbme-2021-2103
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
3D-printing paves the way for personalized drug therapy via implants individualized for the patient specific anatomy in chronic paranasal sinus diseases. This study brings together the workflow of modeling, manufacturing, and sterilization of 3D-printed individualized frontal neo-ostium implants (FOI) for optimization of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS) and validates the implantability of the printed devices. The study sample consisted of six adult human cadavers. Digital volume tomography (DVT) images were taken before and after ESS. The FOI models were based on the post-ESS anatomy. The area to be implanted was analysed in the preand post-ESS DVT images for volume and surface area. A specialized surgeon in rhinology judged the implantability of the 3D-printed FOI. The mean values of volume and surface area tended to be larger in the post-operation situs than in preoperation DVT images and we are therefore not yet convinced that pre-operation images will reflect the correct anatomy for the personalization of the FOI. The workflow of manufacturing and implantation of individualized 3D-printed sterile FOI is established but future studies are needed for further improvement.
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