Zhongliu Fangzhi Yanjiu
Application Status of C-phycocyanin in Anti-tumor
WANG Yujuan1  JIANG Liangqian1  LIU Guoxiang1  JI Huanhuan1  REN Junyi1  LIU Huihui1  LI Bing1 
[1] Department of Cell Biology, Basic Medical College, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266021, China;
关键词: c-phycocyanin;    union;    anti-tumor;    tumor cells;   
DOI  :  10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2018.17.1464
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In recent years, the search for anti-tumor drugs with high efficiency, low toxicity and little side effects in marine organisms has attracted the attention of scholars. C-phycocyanin (C-PC) has toxic and side effects on a variety of tumor cells, which can inhibit the growth of tumor cells and promote the apoptosis of tumor cells. Phycocyanin combined with other drugs can improve its anti-tumor activity. This review discusses the therapeutic use of phycocyanin and focuses on the latest advances of phycocyanin as a promising natural anti-cancer drug.

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