An Electrochemical Way to Generate Amphiphiles from Hydrazones for the Synthesis of 1,2,4‐Triazole Scaffold Cyclic Compounds
Dungai Wang1  Xiao Liang1  Heping Zhu1  Prof. Dr. Yuanjiang Pan1  Wangyu Li1  Mingteng Xiong1 
[1]Department of Chemistry Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China
关键词: amphiphiles;    cyclization;    electrooxidation;    one-pot reaction;    1,2,4-trizaole;   
DOI  :  10.1002/open.202100268
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract An electro‐oxidative cyclization pathway in which hydrazones are selected as starting materials to generate amphiphiles by reacting with benzylamines and benzamides was reported. This strategy successfully prepared a series of 1,2,4‐triazoles in satisfactory yields. Moreover, the use of cheap stainless steel as the anode, the feasibility to conduct the transformation as a one‐pot reaction and the proof that scaling‐up these reactions is possible make this transformation attractive for potential application in industry.
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