EFSA Journal
Statement complementing the scientific opinion on application EFSA‐GMO‐NL‐2010‐78 to cover the safety of soybean MON 87705 oil for commercial frying
关键词: GMO;    soybean oil;    MON 87705;    exposure assessment;    dietary intake;    nutrition;   
DOI  :  10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3507
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this statement, the EFSA GMO Panel responds to a request from the European Commission (EC) to assess the safety of soybean MON 87705 oil for commercial frying. The applicant provided exposure assessments based on total and partial substitutions of conventional soybean, rapeseed and sunflower oils with the soybean MON 87705 oil in foods (salad dressings, margarines and spreads, mayonnaise, crackers and salty snacks and soybean/rapeseed/sunflower oils processed foods). No distinction was made between commercial and domestic use, nor whether the oils were used in frying or not. The EFSA GMO Panel considers that this exposure scenario is the most pertinent in that it addresses not only the question raised by the EC about the possible use of soybean MON 87705 oil in frying, but also other possible food uses. Having assessed total replacement, the most conservative scenario arising from both domestic and commercial use of the oil, the EFSA GMO Panel concluded that the use of soybean MON 80775 oil does not impact on human health and nutrition. The Panel recommends a post‐market monitoring plan for the marketed foods and feed.

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