e-cadernos ces
De quel postcolonial parle-t-on ? Intervention divine d’Elia Suleiman
关键词: Suleiman;    Divine Intervention;    postcolonial theory;    film analysis;   
DOI  :  10.4000/eces.1854
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This essay analyzes Divine Intervention by the Palestinian director Elia Suleiman in order to examine the implications of his chosen aesthetics, the cinema of allusion. In this context, it will provide an analysis of how the character of the anonymous young woman becomes an allegory of the Palestinian struggle for emancipation. Special attention will be paid to the checkpoint sequences based on several critics’ and observers’ conclusions about the colonial situation in question. Finally, the aesthetic status of the film will be addressed in order to question in how far the adjective postcolonial is relevant in reference to a context of production that is still largely determined by the colonial.

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