Neural Network Analysis for Microplastic Segmentation
Gwanghee Lee1  Kyoungson Jhang1 
[1]Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea
关键词: microplastic;    neural network;    segmentation;    U-net;    MultiResUNet;    kernel weight histogram;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s21217030
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
It is necessary to locate microplastic particles mixed with beach sand to be able to separate them. This paper illustrates a kernel weight histogram-based analytical process to determine an appropriate neural network to perform tiny object segmentation on photos of sand with a few microplastic particles. U-net and MultiResUNet are explored as target networks. However, based on our observation of kernel weight histograms, visualized using TensorBoard, the initial encoder stages of U-net and MultiResUNet are useful for capturing small features, whereas the later encoder stages are not useful for capturing small features. Therefore, we derived reduced versions of U-net and MultiResUNet, such as Half U-net, Half MultiResUNet, and Quarter MultiResUNet. From the experiment, we observed that Half MultiResUNet displayed the best average recall-weighted F1 score (40%) and recall-weighted mIoU (26%) and Quarter MultiResUNet the second best average recall-weighted F1 score and recall-weighted mIoU for our microplastic dataset. They also require 1/5 or less floating point operations and 1/50 or a smaller number of parameters over U-net and MultiResUNet.
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