International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Chemerin-156 is the Active Isoform in Human Hepatic Stellate Cells
Maximilian Neumann1  Marlen Spirk1  Christa Buechler1  Sebastian Zimny1  ChristopherJ. Sinal2  Nichole McMullen2 
[1]Department of Internal Medicine I, Regensburg University Hospital, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
[2]Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada
关键词: Galectin-3;    IL-6;    Proliferation;    Tango Assay;    CMKLR1;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms21207555
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The chemokine chemerin exists as C-terminally processed isoforms whose biological functions are mostly unknown. A highly active human chemerin variant (huChem-157) was protective in experimental hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) models. Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are central mediators of hepatic fibrogenesis and carcinogenesis and express the chemerin receptors chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1) and G protein-coupled receptor 1 (GPR1). Here we aimed to analyse the effect of chemerin isoforms on the viability, proliferation and secretome of the human HSC cell line LX-2. Therefore, huChem-157, 156 and 155 were over-expressed in LX-2 cells, which have low endogenous chemerin levels. HuChem-157 produced in LX-2 cells activated CMKLR1 and GPR1, and huChem-156 modestly induced GPR1 signaling. HuChem-155 is an inactive chemerin variant. Chemerin isoforms had no effect on cell viability and proliferation. Cellular expression of the fibrotic proteins galectin-3 and alpha-smooth muscle actin was not regulated by any chemerin isoform. HuChem-156 increased IL-6, IL-8 and galectin-3 in cell media. HuChem-157 was ineffective, and accordingly, did not enhance levels of these proteins in media of primary human hepatic stellate cells when added exogenously. These analyses provide evidence that huChem-156 is the biologic active chemerin variant in hepatic stellate cells and acts as a pro-inflammatory factor.
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