Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies
The Infinitive Built Prepositionally
Cristina Corla (Hanţ)1 
[1] “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad;
关键词: preposition;    case;    infinitive;    prepositional group;    thematic role;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper aims at analyzing the role of the preposition when it is used together with non-finite forms of the verb. We will examine the following aspects: the mixed features of the infinitive (substantival and verbal), the types of prepositions which can be combined with the non-finite forms of the verb (lexical, semi-lexical and functional), the ability of the preposition to generate a prepositional syntactic group, the setting/non-setting of a thematic role, the syntactic positions held by the infinitive with preposition. If the rule says that the preposition has a case government, we ask ourselves what happens to it in the presence of non-finite forms of the verb. Therefore, one of the discussed topics is the obstruction of the case government/practising it under the substantival features of the non-finite forms.

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