Ain Shams Engineering Journal
The numerical research of the gas flow in the exhaust duct of the gas turbine with a waste heat boiler
D.V. Shevelev1  A.K. Karyshev2  P.A. Anan'ev2  A.A. Zhinov2 
[1] Corresponding author.;Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russian Federation;
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A gas flow in the exhaust path of the gas turbine unit GPA-C-16 with a waste heat boiler is investigated. The aim of this study was to optimize geometric characteristics of the waste heat boiler’s gas duct. A flow in the exhaust stack has been simulated by CFD. For turbulence modeling the standard k–ε model was used. Analysis of the results allowed us to optimize the waste heat boiler. Keywords: Gas turbine, Pipeline gas turbine set, Waste heat recovery, CFD, Exhaust stack, Waste heat boiler

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