Low Temperature Soda-Oxygen Pulping of Bagasse
Fengxia Yue1  Ke-Li Chen1  Fachuang Lu2 
[1]Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
[2]State Kay Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
关键词: bagasse;    brightness;    Kappa number;    low temperature;    soda-oxygen pulping;    environmentally friendly;    energy-saving;   
DOI  :  10.3390/molecules21010085
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Wood shortages, environmental pollution and high energy consumption remain major obstacles hindering the development of today’s pulp and paper industry. Energy-saving and environmental friendly pulping processes are still needed, especially for non-woody materials. In this study, soda-oxygen pulping of bagasse was investigated and a successful soda-oxygen pulping process for bagasse at 100 °C was established. The pulping parameters of choice were under active alkali charge of 23%, maximum cooking temperature 100 °C, time hold at maximum temperature 180 min, initial pressure of oxygen 0.6 MPa, MgSO4 charge 0.5%, and de-pithed bagasse consistency 12%. Properties of the resultant pulp were screened yield 60.9%, Kappa number 14, viscosity 766 dm3/kg, and brightness 63.7% ISO. Similar pulps were also obtained at 110 °C or 105 °C with a cooking time of 90 min. Compared with pulps obtained at higher temperatures (115–125 °C), this pulp had higher screened yield, brightness, and acceptable viscosity, while the delignification degree was moderate. These results indicated that soda-oxygen pulping at 100 °C, the lowest cooking temperature reported so far for soda-oxygen pulping, is a suitable process for making chemical pulp from bagasse. Pulping at lower temperature and using oxygen make it an environmental friendly and energy-saving pulping process.
【 授权许可】


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