Cogent Food & Agriculture
Management of yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) and stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp tritici) of bread wheat through host resistance and fungicide application in Southern Ethiopia
Getachew Gudero Mengesha1 
[1] SARI;
关键词: audpc;    fungicides;    severity;    stem rust;    wheat varieties;    yellow rust;    yield;    loss;   
DOI  :  10.1080/23311932.2020.1739493
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Field experiment was carried at Burji, Bonke and Chencha during the 2018 cropping season to evaluate the effects of host resistance and fungicide application on yellow and stem rusts and grain yield (GY) of bread wheat. Five wheat varieties and four different fungicides were included as treatment and laid out in factorial arrangement in randomized complete block design with three replications. Significant (p ≤ 0.01) difference was observed in the magnitude of the parameters of disease and crop measured between treatments. Results showed that the mean terminal severities of yellow and stem rusts were highest at Chencha than at Burji and Bonke. Yellow and stem rust terminal severities as low as 46.41%, 40.69%, 29.22%, 28.24% and 21.74% and 43.67%, 42.54%, 40.93%, 16.07% and 17.15% were recorded on Hidase, Kubsa, Ogolcho, Wane and Shorima varieties, respectively, due to the integrated use of Tilt 250 EC, Rex® Dou and Natura 250 EW foliar applications across the three locations. Crosswise assessment revealed that the lowest area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of yellow rust of 15.73%, 14.93%, 10.42%, 8.79% and 7.67%-days was recorded on Hidase, Kubsa, Ogolcho, Wane and Shorima varieties, respectively, and that of stem rust of 18.96%, 17.33%, 16.36%, 6.80% and 6.37%-days was registered on Kubsa, Ogolcho, Hidase, Shorima and Wane varieties, respectively, as a result of combined use of Tilt 250 EC, Rex® Dou and Natura 250 EW foliar applications. The combined effect of variety and fungicide application in addition to environmental variability exhibited pronounced effects on the epidemic development of yellow and stem rusts through their effects on disease progress rate and spike infection. Rex® Dou and Natura 250 EW fungicides in combination with all the evaluated varieties proved to be effective against the rust management and gave the higher values of yield parameters and monitory advantage over the unsprayed plots. GY loss of up to 69.64% was recorded on unsprayed plots of Ogolcho as compared to fungicide sprayed plots of other varieties evaluated. Thus, Rex® Dou and Natura 250 EW fungicides in combination with wheat variety having a different level of resistance to wheat rusts could be suggested to the farmers in the study areas and elsewhere with similar agro-ecological conditions for efficient management and optimization of the GY. Further studies have to be sought in similar and other agro-ecologies elsewhere in Ethiopia for at least two consecutive years over locations to come up with a solid recommendation.

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