Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
Bilateral optic disk metastasis from breast carcinoma
关键词: Community;    digital imaging;    Karnataka Internet-assisted Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity;    retinopathy of prematurity;    telemedicine;    universal screening;    Age-related macular degeneration;    en-face optical coherence tomography;    polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy;    Choroid;    enhanced depth imaging technique;    swept source optical coherence tomography;    Choroidal imaging;    choroidal thickness;    retinal dystrophies;    Choroidal neovascularization;    idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasis;    juxtafoveal retinal telangiectasia;    lutein;    macular edema;    macular pigment;    macular telangiectasia;    Müller cells;    parafoveal telangiectasis;    perifoveal telangiectasis;    retinal angiomatous proliferation;    retinal telangiectasis;    subretinal neovascularization;    zeaxanthin;    Microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography;    RESCAN;    spectral domain optical coherence tomography;    vitreoretinal surgery;    Central reading center;    randomized controlled trial;    Fundus autofluorescence;    lipofuscin;    retina;    Cystoid macular edema;    dexamethasone implant;    external limiting membrane;    optical coherence tomography;    Ozurdex;    serous retinal detachment;    uveitis;    Adaptive optics;    axial length;    cone density;    myopia;    Artifact;    foveal diameter;    foveal slope;    ocular magnification;    optical coherence tomography;    Emmetropization;    hand-held;    macular edema;    retinopathy of prematurity;    spectral-domain optical coherence tomography;    visual acuity;    Accommodating intraocular lenses;    Crystalens HD;    effective lens position;    intraocular lenses power;    keratometry;    Choroidal thickness;    dynamic exercise;    exercise;    optical coherence tomography;    Breast carcinoma;    eye;    metastasis;    optic disk;    optic nerve;    tumor;   
DOI  :  10.4103/0301-4738.159886
来源: DOAJ
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