Frontiers in Psychology
Factors determining semantic facilitation and interference in the cyclic naming paradigm
Paul eDel Prato1  Bradford Z. eMahon2  Eduardo eNavarrete3 
[1] Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester;Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester Medical Center;University of Padova;
关键词: speech production;    lexical access;    Semantic interference;    cyclic naming paradigm;    semantic distance;    semantic facilitation;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00038
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The cyclic naming paradigm, in which participants are slower to name pictures blocked by semantic category than pictures in an unrelated context, offers a window into the dynamics of the mapping between lexical concepts and words. Here we provide evidence for the view that incremental learning effects on the connection weights from semantics to lexical items provide an elegant explanation of a range of observations within the cyclic naming paradigm. Our principal experimental manipulation is to vary the within-category semantic distance among items that must be named together in a block. In the first set of experiments we find that naming latencies are, if anything, faster for within-category semantically close blocks compared to within-category semantically far blocks, for the first presentation of items. This effect can be explained by the fact that there will be more spreading activation, and thus greater priming at the lexical level, for within-category semantically close blocks than within-category semantically-far blocks. We test this explanation by inserting intervening filler items (geometric shapes), and show as predicted, that while intervening unrelated trials abolish short-lived semantic priming effects, the long-lag interference effect that is characteristic of this paradigm is unaffected. These data place new constraints on explanations of the cyclic naming effect, and related phenomena, within a model of language production.

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