International Journal of Thermofluids
Performance evaluation of nanofluids in loop heat pipes and oscillating heat pipes
S.M.Sohel Murshed1  Roger R. Riehl2 
[1] Corresponding author.;GamaTech Thermal Solutions Rua Córdoba 34, São José dos Campos, SP 12235-390, Brazil;
关键词: Nanofluids;    Efficiency;    Heat pump systems;    Heat pipes;    Thermosyphons;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Nanofluids have been presented as media to enhance the heat transfer capabilities of thermal control systems and devices of both single and two-phase heat transfer modes. Since the addition of solid nanoparticles in a base fluid can significantly increase the thermal and transport properties of a given working fluid, it impacts other properties that require a proper evaluation before applying the nanofluid in a thermal system. Successful application of nanofluids in liquid cooling systems including single-phase convection in heat exchangers and two-phase systems like heat pipes and thermosyphon have indicated the potential in using such a novel working fluid to improve their thermal efficiency. An evaluation related to the performance enhancement using nanofluids in two-phase cooling systems is presented, which aims to show how nanofluids’ can play an important role in current and future thermal control devices' design and operation.

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