Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales
Problematization and genesis the "mobbing" law in Colombia
Enrique Seco Martín1  Carmen Marina López Pino2 
[1] Consultor Independiente;Miembro Titular de FLACSO-España y Especialista para América Latinadel ProGRANT Proposal Writing for Research Grants Universidad de Colonia;
关键词: legislación laboral, acoso laboral;    sociología jurídica;    Ley 1010/2006;    relaciones laborales.;   
DOI  :  10.5209/rev_CRLA.2015.v33.n1.48810
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Mobbing is a phenomenon they experience in daily silence many workers in the world. Colombia is one of the few countries that has specifically legally regulated phenomenon. The article discusses the genesis and questioning of Law 1010 of 2006 on workplace bullying from the perspective of the legal field proposed by Bourdieu (2000). The hypothesis is that its weak problematization responded to the imbalance of power in the field of labor relations and the strategies developed by different actors (government, employers and workers) to provide content or not the Act, which resulted in a weak effectiveness thereof. The methodological approach was made through a careful documentary and qualitative studio.

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