BMC Endocrine Disorders
Sex-related illness perception and self-management of a Thai type 2 diabetes population: a cross-sectional descriptive design
Irena Dychawy Rosner1  Margareta Östman1  Anna Carlsson1  Wimonrut Boonsatean2 
[1] Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University;Faculty of Nursing Science, Rangsit University;
关键词: Type 2 diabetes;    Illness perception;    Self-management;    Sex differences;    Thailand;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12902-017-0229-8
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Increased knowledge concerning the differences in the illness perception and self-management among sexes is needed for planning proper support programs for patients with diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate the illness perception and self-management among Thai women and Thai men with type 2 diabetes and to investigate the psychometric properties of the translated instruments used. Methods In a suburban province of Thailand, 220 women and men with type 2 diabetes participated in a cross-sectional descriptive study. The participants were selected using a multistage sampling method. Data were collected through structured interviews and were analyzed using group comparisons, and psychometric properties were tested. Results Women and men with type 2 diabetes demonstrated very similar experiences regarding their illness perception and no differences in self-management. Women perceived more negative consequences of the disease and more fluctuation in the symptoms than men, whereas men felt more confident about the treatment effectiveness than women. Furthermore, the translated instruments used in this study showed acceptable validity and reliability. Conclusions The Thai sociocultural context may influence people’s perceptions and affect the self-care activities of Thai individuals, both women and men, with type 2 diabetes, causing differences from those found in the Western environment. Intervention programs that aim to improve the effectiveness of the self-management of Thai people with diabetes might consider a holistic and sex-related approach as well as incorporating Buddhist beliefs.

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