Direct-ink-write printing of hydrogels using dilute inks
Huiru Wang1  Qi Li1  Ping Zhang1  Canhui Yang1  Xiaotian Li1 
[1] Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China;
关键词: Materials Processing;    Surface Science;    Materials Science Engineering;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Summary: Direct-ink-write (DIW) printing has been used in myriad applications. Existing DIW printing relies on inks of specific rheology to compromise with printing process, imposing restrictions on the choice of printable materials. Reported ink viscosity ranges from 10−1 to 103 Pa·s. Here we report a method to enable DIW printing that is compatible with dilute ink (10−3 Pa·s) by manipulating the interactions between ink and substrate. By exemplifying hydrogel printing, we build a printing system and show that dilute ink of appropriate surface energy, once extruded, can spontaneously wet and reside within the region of higher surface energy on a substrate of lower surface energy, while resisting gravity and maintaining shape before solidification. We demonstrate the diversity for printing various materials on various substrates and three deployments immediately enabled by the proposed method. The method expands the range of printable materials for DIW printing and the toolbox for additive manufacturing.

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