Applied Sciences
A Two-Step Surface Reconstruction Method Using Signed Marching Cubes
Deyun Zhong1  Ju Zhang1  Liguan Wang1 
[1] School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
关键词: implicit surface;    surface reconstruction;    marching cubes;    radial basis functions;    fast multipole method;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app12041792
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we explore a new approach, a two-step surface reconstruction method to extract the target isosurface from a given implicit function efficiently. Our main contribution is that we improve the surface reconstruction process by accelerating the speed of evaluation using signed marching cubes. The basic strategy is to filter the invalid voxels that do not intersect with the target isosurface in a low-cost manner, and to evaluate the valid voxels that intersect with the target isosurface accurately. The improved signed marching cubes method consists of a rough evaluation step and an exact evaluation step. The coarse evaluation step evaluates the points of all voxels using the fast multipole method with a lower order. After the rough evaluation step, the voxels that intersect with the target isosurface are screened out. Then, the exact evaluation step evaluates the points of filtered voxels using the fast multipole method with a higher order. The experimental results show that, compared with the traditional marching cubes method, the improved reconstruction method reduces the amounts of calculation for invalid voxels that do not intersect with the target isosurfaces, which is useful to improve the efficiency of surface reconstruction.

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