Reducing harmful effects of metals in water
关键词: water;    heavy metals;    human health;    sanitary aspects;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Nowadays, drinking water has become an increasingly critical and complex issue of mankind. Consumption of lowquality water contaminated with heavy metals has detrimental effect on human health, leading to disastrous consequences for human population. This paper is focused on the problem of adverse impacts and effects of contaminated drinking water and heavy metals it contains, as well as on strategic planning and efficient elimination of the above problems and consequences of such contaminated water on human health. Values of water before and after the purification process are presented. An effective solution has also been elaborated and proposed in the form of an existing commercial device for purifying and restoring water to its natural state with a balanced chemical composition and natural properties.

【 授权许可】


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