Data in Brief
Data supporting a pilot high-throughput screen of a drug library for identification of DYRK1A inhibitors and high-content imaging analysis of identified harmine analogs
Thomas B. Caligan1  Michael Tarpley2  Kevin P. Williams2  Helen Oladapo2  Rob U. Onyenwoke2 
[1]INBS PhD Program, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC 27707, USA
[2]Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC 27707, USA
关键词: DYRK1A;    High-throughput screening;    High-content imaging;    Harmine;    Cytotoxicity;    Glioma;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The data presented in this article support the accompanying research article “Identification of harmine and β-carboline analogs from a high-throughput screen of an approved drug collection; profiling as differential inhibitors of DYRK1A and monoamine oxidase A and for in vitro and in vivo anti-cancer studies” [1]. As DYRK1A (dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1a) plays a role in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases including diabetes, cancer and neurodegeneration [2–4], the identification of DYRK1A inhibitors is of significant interest. This data article details the hits identified from a DYRK1A high-throughput screen of a small molecule compound library containing over 95% approved drugs. Twenty-two compounds were identified with >50% inhibition, including harmine and four of its analogs. Subsequent profiling of these harmine analogs using glioma cancer cell lines and high-content image analysis identified those with effects on growth and cytotoxicity.
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